Active Services at the Labour Market

Number of the contract 16012080512 dated from 23.12.2005
Kind of service: Qualification
Name of the project: Training in the specialty Vine grower
Leading organization: CVT to SP “Victoria – Petranka Mitreva” city Varna

"Programme Active Services at the Labour Market" – component “Qualification”. The project objective was training of 34 unemployed and socially vulnerable citizens from municipality Provadiya in the profession “Vine grower” and part of them to start working in the specialty after finalization of the project. The project was initiated at the beginning of 2006 and in Feb we started a three-month training course in the profession. Except that we had the obligation to organize the training, we had to pay grants to the students, to organize their transport from their residential place to the training centre, to buy the tools and the materials, necessary for the training in theory and practice, and to submit monthly reports for the activity. Our project was prepared in cooperation with the company “Golden grape” in city Varna and part of the students after finalization of the training course started working in the vine massifs, property of the company.We will emphasize again that our long-year experience in the sphere of qualification, highly qualifiedteaching staff, the created collaboration with the local authorities, municipalities, mayors, labour bureaus help us to manage excellently with the project organization.

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